Leland Stanford Junior University, commonly known as Stanford, is a prestigious private research university in Stanford, California. Renowned for its rigorous academic programs and vibrant campus life, Stanford fosters innovation and creativity, shaping the leaders of tomorrow across various fields.
22 Stanford University Courses
African American History explores key figures and movements from 1930 onward, highlighting the quest for freedom and justice throughout modern history.
Explore Darwin's revolutionary theories and their impact across diverse fields, engaging with experts to uncover his enduring legacy in understanding life.
Computer Science I focuses on programming methodology using Java, emphasizing software engineering principles and appealing to a diverse student audience.
Explore linear dynamical systems through applied linear algebra concepts, enhancing your understanding through practical applications in diverse fields like control systems and...
Convex Optimization I explores techniques to solve various convex optimization problems through theoretical and practical applications in engineering and related fields.
Explore the intersection of human behavior and technology through engaging seminars on human-computer interaction from expert speakers at Stanford University.
Explore advanced techniques in convex optimization, focusing on subgradients, cutting-plane methods, decentralized optimization, and robust problem-solving applications.
The course analyzes the role of race, class, faith, and gender in the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election and their influence on candidates and the electorate.
Computer Science II explores advanced programming concepts such as recursion, data abstraction, and algorithm analysis using C++, building on prior programming knowledge.
Explore advanced programming paradigms, including C++, functional programming with Scheme, and concurrent programming techniques, enhancing coding skills and understanding of modern...
The Introduction to Robotics course covers fundamental concepts in robot modeling, design, planning, and control, emphasizing kinematics, dynamics, and control systems.
This course covers machine learning principles, techniques, and applications, including supervised and unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, and practical implementations...