The Ludwig von Mises Institute (LvMI) is a premier research and educational institution dedicated to the principles of Austrian economics. Located in Auburn, Alabama, it champions the ideas of Ludwig von Mises, advocating for free markets, individual liberty, and limited government. Through a diverse array of online courses, publications, and events, the Mises Institute seeks to cultivate a deeper understanding of economic theory and its application to real-world issues. By fostering a community of scholars and students, the Institute aims to promote the Misesian tradition, emphasizing the importance of sound money, private property rights, and peaceful international relations. Engaging with audiences worldwide, the Mises Institute continues to inspire new generations of thinkers committed to the ideals of freedom and prosperity.
1 Ludwig von Mises Institute Course
The Miracles of Capitalism is an engaging seminar for high school students, exploring fundamental economic concepts and their significance in society and history.