
Lec-9 Problem Decomposition By Recursion-II

This module continues the exploration of recursion, focusing on more complex problems and their recursive solutions. Students will be tasked with implementing and analyzing these solutions.

Topics include:

  • Deepening understanding of recursion
  • Analyzing performance of recursive solutions
  • Common recursive algorithms

Course Lectures
  • Lec-1 Introduction
    Dr. P.P.Chakraborty

    This module serves as an introduction to the fundamental concepts of computer science. It familiarizes students with basic programming constructs, problem-solving strategies, and the importance of data structures.

    Key learning outcomes include:

    • Understanding the basic structure of a program
    • Exploring the significance of algorithms
    • Grasping the relationship between programming and data management
  • Lec-2 C Programming-I
    Dr. P.P.Chakraborty

    This module focuses on the first part of C programming. Students will learn about variables, data types, operators, and control structures such as loops and conditionals.

    Topics covered will include:

    • Basic syntax and structure of C programs
    • Data types and variables
    • Control flow statements
  • Lec-3 C Programming-II
    Dr. P.P.Chakraborty

    In this module, students continue to deepen their understanding of C programming with advanced topics. This includes functions, arrays, and pointers.

    Key focus areas will include:

    • Defining and using functions
    • Arrays and their applications
    • Understanding pointers and memory management
  • Lec-4 C Programming-III
    Dr. P.P.Chakraborty

    This module provides further insights into C programming, focusing on the use of structures and file handling. Students will learn how to create complex data types.

    This includes:

    • Creating and using structures
    • File input/output operations
    • Interfacing with external data
  • This module introduces the concept of data structuring through practical case studies. Students will work on real-life examples to understand how to manage data effectively.

    Topics of interest include:

    • Analysis of data requirements
    • Implementing data structures in C
    • Case studies illustrating the use of data structures
  • Building upon the previous case study, this module focuses on advanced data structuring techniques. Students will analyze and implement complex data structures.

    Key learning points include:

    • Designing efficient data structures
    • Case studies on linked lists, stacks, and queues
    • Performance analysis of various structures
  • This module explores further case studies in data structuring, focusing on the implementation and management of advanced data structures.

    Students will cover:

    • Real-world examples of data structuring
    • Creating and manipulating complex data types
    • Improving efficiency through better data management
  • This module introduces the concept of recursion and its applications in problem decomposition. Students will learn the theory behind recursion and practice writing recursive functions.

    Key areas covered include:

    • Understanding the recursive process
    • Writing and debugging recursive functions
    • Applications of recursion in algorithms
  • This module continues the exploration of recursion, focusing on more complex problems and their recursive solutions. Students will be tasked with implementing and analyzing these solutions.

    Topics include:

    • Deepening understanding of recursion
    • Analyzing performance of recursive solutions
    • Common recursive algorithms
  • In this final recursion module, students will explore advanced concepts and applications of recursion in different algorithms and problem-solving scenarios.

    Learning outcomes include:

    • Advanced recursive algorithms
    • Comparative analysis of recursive vs. iterative solutions
    • Implementing recursion in data structures
  • Lec-11 Mergesort And Quicksort
    Dr. P.P.Chakraborty

    This module focuses on two fundamental sorting algorithms: mergesort and quicksort. Students will learn the principles behind these algorithms and their implementation in C.

    Topics covered include:

    • Understanding sorting algorithms
    • Implementing mergesort and quicksort
    • Analyzing time and space complexity
  • Lec-12 Characters And Strings
    Dr. P.P.Chakraborty

    This module covers characters and strings in C, focusing on their manipulation and usage in programming. Students will learn about string functions and character arrays.

    Key components include:

    • Understanding character data type
    • Manipulating strings using built-in functions
    • Memory considerations with strings
  • This module introduces arrays, focusing on how they store data in contiguous memory locations and their practical applications in C programming.

    Students will learn about:

    • Defining and initializing arrays
    • Accessing and modifying array elements
    • Understanding array memory layout
  • Lec-14 Structures-I
    Dr. P.P.Chakraborty

    This module delves into structures in C, exploring how they allow students to create custom data types. Understanding structures is crucial for efficient data management.

    Topics include:

    • Defining and using structures
    • Accessing structure members
    • Applications of structures in data organization
  • Lec-15 Structures-II
    Dr. P.P.Chakraborty

    Continuing from the previous module, this session explores advanced topics in structures, including nested structures and pointers to structures, enhancing data organization.

    Key learning points include:

    • Nesting structures for complex data
    • Using pointers with structures
    • Memory considerations with advanced structures
  • Lec-16 Dynamic Allocation Part-I
    Dr. P.P.Chakraborty

    This module discusses dynamic memory allocation, focusing on how it enables the creation of structures and arrays whose size can change during runtime.

    Students will learn about:

    • Using malloc, calloc, realloc, and free
    • Dynamic arrays and linked lists
    • Best practices in memory management
  • Lec-17 Linked Lists-I
    Dr. P.P.Chakraborty

    This module focuses on linked lists, a dynamic data structure that allows efficient insertion and deletion of elements. Students will learn to implement and manipulate linked lists.

    Key areas covered include:

    • Types of linked lists: singly, doubly, circular
    • Insertion and deletion operations
    • Applications of linked lists in programming
  • This module covers the complexity and efficiency of algorithms, teaching students to evaluate algorithm performance using Big O notation and other analysis techniques.

    Key learning points include:

    • Understanding time and space complexity
    • Analyzing algorithms with Big O notation
    • Comparative analysis of different algorithms
  • This final module explores asymptotic growth functions, providing students with the tools to analyze how algorithms perform as the size of input data increases.

    Topics covered include:

    • Understanding various growth rates
    • Comparative analysis of algorithms
    • Real-world implications of algorithm efficiency
  • This module delves into the Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms, an essential topic in computer science. Understanding how algorithms perform under different conditions is crucial for optimizing code and ensuring efficiency. Key concepts covered include:

    • Big O notation
    • Big Omega and Big Theta notations
    • Comparative analysis of algorithms
    • Best, worst, and average case scenarios

    Students will learn to assess the efficiency of algorithms and make informed decisions on algorithm selection based on their performance characteristics.

  • Lec-21 Data Structuring
    Dr. P.P.Chakraborty

    This module focuses on Data Structuring, which is the foundation of effective programming. It teaches students how to organize data in a way that enables efficient access and modification. Topics include:

    • Data types and structures
    • Arrays and linked lists
    • Stacks and queues
    • Hash tables and their applications

    By the end of this module, students will be capable of implementing various data structures and understanding their advantages and disadvantages.

  • Lec-22 Search Trees
    Dr. P.P.Chakraborty

    This module, Search Trees, introduces students to tree data structures focusing on search operations. Students will learn how trees organize data hierarchically, allowing for efficient searching, inserting, and deleting. Key points include:

    • Binary Search Trees (BST)
    • Balancing trees
    • Traversal methods: In-order, Pre-order, Post-order

    By the end of the module, students will understand the importance of search trees in database indexing and data retrieval.

  • Lec-23 Search Trees-II
    Dr. P.P.Chakraborty

    In Search Trees-II, students continue to explore advanced topics related to search trees. This module builds upon the previous module's foundational knowledge, emphasizing performance improvements and complex tree structures. Topics include:

    • Self-balancing trees (AVL, Red-Black Trees)
    • Tree rotations and rebalancing techniques
    • Applications of advanced search trees

    Students will gain insights into optimizing search operations and managing large datasets more effectively.

  • Lec-24 Search Trees-III
    Dr. P.P.Chakraborty

    Search Trees-III extends the knowledge of tree structures, focusing on multi-way trees and their applications. This module introduces students to trees that allow more than two children, facilitating efficient database management and complex data organization. Key topics include:

    • B-trees and B+ trees
    • Storage and retrieval mechanisms
    • Comparison with binary search trees

    Students will learn how multi-way trees improve performance in disk-based storage systems.

  • Lec-25 2-3 Trees
    Dr. P.P.Chakraborty

    Lec-25 introduces 2-3 Trees, a specific type of balanced search tree that maintains sorted data and enables efficient searching, insertion, and deletion. This module covers:

    • Structure and properties of 2-3 Trees
    • Insertion and deletion operations
    • Advantages of using 2-3 Trees in applications

    Students will understand how 2-3 Trees can be utilized for optimal performance in various scenarios.

  • Lec-26 Algorithm Design-I
    Dr. P.P.Chakraborty

    Algorithm Design-I lays the groundwork for understanding how to construct algorithms systematically. Students will learn the principles of algorithmic thinking, which include:

    • Problem-solving strategies
    • Design paradigms such as divide and conquer
    • Recursion and iterative approaches

    This foundational knowledge will prepare students for more complex algorithmic challenges in subsequent modules.

  • Lec-27 Algorithm Design-II
    Dr. P.P.Chakraborty

    Algorithm Design-II further develops algorithmic techniques introduced in the previous module. This course emphasizes more advanced design strategies, including:

    • Dynamic programming
    • Greedy algorithms
    • Backtracking methods

    Students will engage in practical exercises that enhance their ability to choose and implement the right algorithm for different problems.

  • Lec-28 Algorithm Design-III
    Dr. P.P.Chakraborty

    In Algorithm Design-III, students explore specialized algorithms that solve complex problems in various domains. Topics covered include:

    • Graph algorithms and their applications
    • String matching algorithms
    • Approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems

    This module aims to equip students with the knowledge to apply algorithmic solutions to real-world challenges effectively.

  • Lec-29 Graphs-I
    Dr. P.P.Chakraborty

    Lec-29 focuses on Graphs-I, where students learn about graph theory fundamentals. They will understand graphs as a powerful tool for modeling relationships in various applications. Topics include:

    • Basic definitions and terminology
    • Graph representation methods
    • Traversal algorithms: Depth-first search and Breadth-first search

    This foundational knowledge will support students in applying graph theory in real applications such as networking and optimization.

  • Lec-30 Graphs-II
    Dr. P.P.Chakraborty

    Graphs-II builds on the knowledge acquired in the previous module, exploring advanced graph algorithms and their applications. This module covers:

    • Shortest path algorithms (Dijkstra's and Bellman-Ford)
    • Minimum spanning trees (Kruskal’s and Prim’s algorithms)
    • Network flow problems and solutions

    By mastering these concepts, students will be able to solve complex graph-related problems with confidence.

  • Lec-31 Graphs-III
    Dr. P.P.Chakraborty

    In Graphs-III, students will explore specialized topics in graph theory, including advanced applications and techniques. This module covers:

    • Graph coloring and its applications
    • Planar graphs and their properties
    • Graph algorithms for matching and covering

    Students will gain a deeper understanding of graph properties and learn to apply these concepts in various real-world scenarios.

  • Lec-32 Conclusions
    Dr. P.P.Chakraborty

    The final module, Conclusions, synthesizes the knowledge acquired throughout the course. Students will reflect on their learning journey and explore:

    • Key takeaways from each topic
    • Future learning paths in programming and data structures
    • Real-world applications and career opportunities

    This module aims to prepare students for applying their knowledge practically and pursuing further education in computer science.